Springboard can trace its roots back 30 years when several companies started trading in different parts of the UK. Now they have come together to form Springboard Media Limited in the UK and Springboard Media LLC in Texas, USA.
The foundation of our publishing brands started in the late 1980’s and are thriving as we have restructured and refocused the company on a flexible, customer orientated approach. Alongside this we have become a provider of publishing services to other global publishers and organizations.
Our printing service started in 2016 via a partnership with Printing.com and that relationship is now called Nettl Chichester after we added web development and support services to business in different nations. With hundreds of active clients, today we provide organizations with their print and digital media requirements.
Almost 35 years after starting we are still expanding, serving communities and individuals across continents. The best is yet to come!
Faithbuilders Publishing (inc. Freedom Publishing)
Freedom Publishing & Faithbuilders Publishing are new model of Christian faith publishing brands, built around a culture of empowerment. We empower authors by offering flexible and creative solutions to bring their material to readers. We aim to empower readers in nations across the world by giving them access to book, journals, study guides and music. We empower organizations wanting to reach nations with their resources by offering both an international reprint service but also shipping to events and speaking tours.
With offices in America and United Kingdom, we have many years experience in book publishing and distribution. The company has grown by word of mouth and personal recommendation.
We publish across a variety of genres for the Christian market, including children’s books, Christian fiction, and ministry resources (e.g. small group study booklets, devotionals, and evangelism material). Our titles are also now available in Braille, large print, eBooks, and audiobooks.
Christian theology, biblical studies, commentaries are a speciality for Faithbuilders and we help organizations producing material in these areas to both print and distribute their material globally. This is a growing area and one we enjoy via developing strong partnerships with our clients and utilizing our contract and supply chain to help them grow.
Faithbuilders also produce a highly successful range of tracts for use in outreach and will be expanding the range into different topics and age groups.
Our future plans include opening an office in South Africa & are already talking to contacts in Australia about offering our services via them across in the Pacific Rim.
Faithbuilders UK visit our website
Faithbuilders USA visit our website
Publish My Book
Incorporated in the United Kingdom many years ago, the company roots go back to 1988. The company has consistently grown by word of mouth and personal recommendation.
Today PMB is successful and growing ‘Next Gen’ publisher working via customised solutions for our authors via a wide range of options and services. We are focused on books for the business, government, aviation, biographies, and a limited range of fiction.
We’ve designed publishing packages though most of our clients decide to have customized publishing solution A 100% personal service is offered, putting the author at the heart of their journey to becoming a published author.
Our passion is to empower authors wanting to reach nations with their books by offering both an international publishing & reprint service but also shipping to events and speaking tours.
Since 2017 we have been providing book production services to other publishers rather than them employing staff with all the associated overheads. Our fees save them money and the publisher can chose which services they need our support with. The publisher only pays on a project by project basis, with no minimum annual costs or fees, and no minimum number of projects. Unlike many other publishing and media companies we are happy to help you build your brand rather than solely being focused on building our own!
We offer an international print and distribution service to clients, which includes digital, lithographic and Print on Demand services via a network of printers. With distribution offices in the UK, USA and South Africa we can supply distributors in many other nations, like Australia & Europe. Our services help publishers save money, especially with print on demand of older titles, and still maintain speed of delivery to customers.
Publish My Book UK website
Publish My Book USA website
Aviation International
Aviation International Limited is a UK based organization for aviation photographers, both professional and amateurs.
The will launch the first galleries in July 2024 as “pilot” versions for user feedback and then have them released to the wider community in September
Check out the website for more details

Visit Our Site
Flightcon Publishing
Run by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts
Flightcon Publishing is an emerging Aviation self-publisher dedicated to providing excellent customer service and producing flexible and creative solutions at an affordable price. Built around a culture of empowerment, we strive to offer services that best suit your dream, needs and budget.
Whether you are looking for a custom photo book, a one of a kind book or to undertake a reputable publishing project, Flightcon Publishing produce the most luxurious coffee table books that you can find. We create limited edition books that never fail to impress.
With decades of experience in this industry, our dedicated team of publishing specialists will be available to answer every question and advise you on every aspect of your book project.
Ready to publish your book?